I like to begin by saying that most of my thoughts here and always, should be seen as standing for an improvement of what is already well known and generally accepted. My mission is simply to inform to the best of my knowledge, so help me God!
This is why the company’s brand logo represents someone who searches for information and must look carefully and deeply with great intent from his loupe instrument, in order to avoid making a mistake.
We are all here to learn, both the teacher and the student and so, I do not claim propriety of knowledge. Therefore, if I am wrong in any way, I am always open to correction.
The acronym of Loupe Empowerment Network is L.E.N, in order words, you are here to LEARN.
L.E.N equals LEARN, to learn something very beneficial to you and your well-being.
Nothing more, nothing less!
Perhaps in yesterday, one could afford the exploitation of ignorance for the sake of fancied gain. Perhaps in yesterday, the conscious use of the analytical mind to reason out things as they really are was privy to only a select few.
Just perhaps, a lot has been taken for granted for far too long in yesterday, but in Loupe Network’s world, yesterday is really gone and we only have today and beyond.
In today, therefore, I bring the message of hope that it is finally time to set your selves free to dream and believe and achieve.
Perhaps, just perhaps, this was the kingdom of heaven all along…who can really know all these things!
Now please consider carefully the following very important 6 pointers below that will go a long way in assisting you as you embark on this exciting journey of possibilities that the future holds for you.
These points of view here are what you will be coming in contact with, in the overall course of our training – they will be discussed in detail with examples too. Thus, if it is a job you are seeking, then the information from today’s article through to the 14th in the next 2 weeks and beyond is important for you.
This is required in order to clearly understand and grasp their real and deep meaning.
‘’Success’’ as I love it defined, is the attainment of something planned, desired or attempted. And the reason for this definition is simply to point out to you that one cannot have success without having first planned, desired or attempted.
Without planning and efforts, there can be no real success.
This is the reason why you will receive lessons on goal setting and career planning through the Pathfinder Masterclass Training, especially for those of you here seeking job opportunity.
Thus, to be on the path to success, you must have a plan and you must expend effort. You must set goals and plan the efforts you will invest to obtain those goals.
How carefully you plan and how faithfully you direct your efforts in accordance with your plans, determines how successful you will become, be it in your job hunting expedition or any other business venture engagements.
When we set our goals, we also set our expectations too – they go hand in hand. If we set our expectation unreasonably high, we are setting ourselves up for frustration. And one thing about frustration is that it saps our motivation and makes us less likely to continue our efforts to reach our goals.
If we set our expectations based upon what we expect others to do for us, rather than upon what we intend to achieve for ourselves, we are also setting ourselves up for frustration too.
I am saying this here because I know many of you here for this Pathfinder Masterclass Training came on board with great expectations and it is encouraged by me, but if you do not follow my instructions from the training, who would be blamed for your eventual loss?
I strongly believe that if you see this training to the end, you will be most pleased with yourself and your new found accomplishments.
But, this can be possible only when you are able to set your goals based upon reasonable expectations of what you can expect to achieve for yourselves through your own efforts and your own determination.
As we achieve our reasonable goals through our own self reliance, we gain confidence and with this confidence, we can then set higher goals.
As you go on to read the next remaining articles for the masterclass training, you will find that I touched on the issue of problems and challenges.
You see, eliminating all your problems and challenges once and for all isn’t a reasonable and realistic goal, in order words, it’s impossible to accomplish. On the other hand, if you think waiting for problems and obstacles to just stop coming so that you can finally become successful and happy is a great idea, then you will wait forever and will never find success and happiness either.
When you learn to find success and happiness despite constant obstacles and challenges, you have truly found a profound secret of success.
So enjoy your challenges with dignity and perseverance.
Whether you work around or through a problem, just bear in mind that every problematic encounter is an opportunity to learn what doesn’t work and now know what to avoid.
Most importantly, do not be afraid of failure or making a mistake.
This is because no one succeeds in life without having setbacks or made mistakes a couple of times.
You should learn to never expect anything to work smoothly as you may have hoped at first so that you will be less likely to experience frustration.
Instead, try to look forward to each new challenge that comes your way. It is in overcoming these challenges that you will find true success.
Mr Efe shared one of my written articles on Facebook. It’s a little something I wrote 2018 for Nigeria’s 58th Independence Day celebration.
At first glance you would conclude that it is a political article in favor of the Buhari led administration. Well, it does seem so, even though i really am not a big fan of politics. In any case, this write up for me, was really a matter of ideology and logic and I rendered my very own verdict on the matter.
What I simply want to point out to you through this article today is the sense of direction we should be focusing on. Please, as you read this article, go into it with an open and objective mind. Don’t look at it from the angle of PDP vs. APC or Buhari vs. Atiku.
The focus is Nigeria and my ideology of change, the types of leaders and followers we really do need, a searchlight on the future untold and finally, the folly of ordinary masses desiring to play this game of politics with heavy biased mindset and ignorance.
click this link to quickly read it up, NIGERIA AT 58 - My Friends, My thoughts...My President!
There were comments made and to read up my responses, Click Here.
I've devised my own way to understand the word, ''empowerment'' in another light. Let’s take a moment to look at the word EMPOWER from the same word, empowerment.
Let us separate the root word from the prefix i.e EM & POWER.
Now observe that when you just interchange the letters of the prefix EM, we get ME right?
Hence, EM–POWER now becomes ME–POWER for me. This is why I love the word 'empowerment' defined as the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights to freedom and success.
So then, what does the word, ‘’empowerment’’ really mean to you?
Are you still waiting on someone or some government to come and empower you?
Ok o…keep waiting!
You cannot have success without setting goals and developing plans to reach those goals. Through Loupe Network’s online training program, you will learn how to set goals and develop plans to reach them accordingly and you will discover the true benefit from relying on your own efforts in reaching these goals that you set.
You will also learn to make your goals realistic but optimistic. Expect to encounter obstacles and challenges in life but approach them with greet cheer and enthusiasm while looking for ways to either work through or around them.
Other articles on this blog will be dealing on the Rudiments of goals, Job or career, Money Talk, Problems and challenges, Education and economic empowerment, Wind of change, etc.
All these will be helping you understand more on how you can inculcate all of the wisdoms of the 6 pointers briefly explained above into good practice towards reaching your goals.
Once again, I’m Anthony Muoneke, the Social Entrepreneur and founder of LOUPE NETWORK, which is a self empowerment advocacy and information platform that connects and exposes Nigerians, especially young individuals to personal empowerment messages and opportunity exploration information for those who are strongly determined to become successful in their career, life and their quest for financial freedom here in Nigeria.
Today, I bring to you a message of hope, desires and success and I am greatly delighted to have you join me on this exciting journey of empowerment - I say, welcome on board!
Thank you for your time!
Anthony M.
The Social Enterpreneur.
Founder, Loupe Network Nigeria.
Loupe Network is a self empowerment advocacy and information platform that connects and exposes young individuals to personal empowerment messages and opportunity exploration information.
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